Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 15, 2023

(A) Purpose

In order to allow users to use GenuiXpert Co., Ltd. website (“GenuiXpert”, “we”, “us”) and network services without concerns, we hereby explain GenuiXpert’s privacy policy to protect your rights. Please read the following carefully. By using GenuiXpert’s website and network services, you agree to the statement published on this website. If you do not agree with the content of this statement, please do not provide your information on GenuiXpert’s website and Internet services. If you choose not to provide personal information or the personal information provided is incorrect, you will not be able to obtain complete services. GenuiXpert will abide by all relevant laws and regulations on privacy data protection and data security. The ultimate goal of collecting information is to improve our services and support for customers.

(B) Scope

The content of the privacy policy includes how this service handles the personal identification information collected when you use the service. Related linked websites other than this service do not apply to the privacy policy of this website, nor do they apply to personnel who are not entrusted or participating in the management of this service. You must refer to the privacy protection policy of the linked website.

(C) Collected Personal Information Items

GenuiXpert will collect your personal information. Personal information (PII, Personal Identifiable Information) includes but is not limited to:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Contact method
  • Company
  • Job title
  • Website usage duration
  • Cookies

(D) Methods of Collecting, Processing and Using Personal Data

When you use the functional services provided by this service, we will, depending on the nature of the service, ask you to provide the necessary personal data, and agree to the processing and use of your personal data within the scope of the specific purpose. You can also refuse to provide relevant information. Without your consent, this website will not use your personal information, including for other purposes.

GenuiXpert collects, processes, and uses your personal data based on the following legal basis:

  • The law expressly stipulates;
  • Necessary for exercising the contract;
  • Self-disclosed by the data subject or other legally disclosed personal data;
  • Consent by data subject;
  • Necessary for the enhancement of the public interest;
  • Taken from generally available sources.

This service will retain your name, e-mail address, contact method, company name, job title, and time of use when you use interactive functions such as contacting customer service and filling in questionnaires.

You agree to provide us with your name, job title, company name and other information offline for marketing related purposes. We will apply your information to our services to provide you with more accurate marketing services.

(E) Out-of-purpose Use

GenuiXpert will not collect, process and used your information for secondary purposes unless there is a necessary legal basis or we have obtained your individual consent in advance.

(F) Personal Information Retention Period

GenuiXpert will retain your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations for the legitimate interests of GenuiXpert or the necessary period for providing you services, including but not limited to the following periods:

  • Within the necessary time limit for collection, processing, and use of personal information for specific purposes.
  • Within the necessary retention period required for the execution of the business.
  • Within the retention period stipulated in the individual contract.
  • Within the time limit specified by applicable laws and regulations.
  • During the period for cooperating in government and judicial investigations, or in civil, criminal or administrative litigation.

If none of the circumstances mentioned above apply, GenuiXpert will delete or destroy your personal data in a safe manner after the expiration of the retention period.

(G) Data Protection

Only authorized personnel can access your personal data. This service also complies with GenuiXpert’s relevant policies and regulations to protect and process your personal information. If it is necessary to entrust/ outsource other units to provide services due to business needs, this service will also strictly require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and take necessary inspection procedures to ensure that they do indeed comply. In order to protect your personal information from accidental or illegal destruction, loss or modification, and to prevent unauthorized disclosure or access, GenuiXpert shall adopt the necessary technical and organizational protection measures. If you believe that the security of your data has been damaged, please contact GenuiXpert immediately.

(H) Rights of a Data Subject

In regard to your personal information, you may request GenuiXpert to execute the following rights:

  • Inquiry or request to read.
  • Request to make copies.
  • Request for supplement or correction.
  • Request to stop collection, processing and utilization.
  • Request deletion.
  • Refuse GenuiXpert the use of your personal information for marketing.
  • Request for data transfer to a third-party service provider with necessary needs and to meet the technical constraints.
  • Complaint or report of any existing or potential privacy incident.

GenuiXpert should provide you with sufficient information, so that you can understand how to execute your rights as a data subject. GenuiXpert should also implement notification obligations at the appropriate time and manner in accordance with the requirements of personal information relevant regulations, including clearly informing you of the rights of a data subject, and should ensure that any other information has been clearly expressed to you.

Ways to Execute Your Rights as a Data Subject:
When you want to execute your rights as a data subject listed in (H) or opt out for any collecting and processing of your personal information, you can contact your product representatives. For details, please refer to article (L) in this policy [contact information]).

(I) Policy on Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties

GenuiXpert’s website will never provide, exchange, rent or sell any personal information to other individuals, groups, private companies or public agencies, but not limited to the situation if there is legal basis or contractual obligations. If GenuiXpert learns from a third-party or other partner that a data subject needs to apply for execution of the rights of a data subject, GenuiXpert shall verify that the third party providing the instructions is an authorized representative, and follow the agreement between both parties, and process the request according to the third party’s request. Reply to the third party, and properly keep the instructions, processing and response records. If both parties did not sign the contract, the parties should consult GenuiXpert’s responsible unit in advance to ensure the handling method is legitimate, and also to keep the records of instructions, handling and responses.

The circumstances of the proviso in the preceding paragraph include but are not limited to:

  • With your consent.
  • When the law clearly states.
  • Avoiding danger to your life, body, freedom or property.
  • Cooperating with public agencies or academic research institutions, and it is necessary for statistics or academic research based on public interest, and the data is processed or collected by the provider and cannot identify a specific party according to its disclosure method.

When your behavior on the website violates the terms of service or may damage or hinder the website and the rights of other users or cause damage to anyone, the website management unit will analyze and reveal your personal information for the purpose of identifying, contacting or other necessary actions for legal action.

Conducive to your rights.

When this website outsources a vendor to assist in the collection, processing or use of your personal information, it will do its best to supervise and manage the outsourced vendor or individual.

(J) Use of Cookies

Like most websites today, GenuiXpert will use a standard technology called Cookies to collect information about how you use GenuiXpert websites in order to provide you with a better user experience environment and to evaluate the most popular pages on GenuiXpert websites. When you visit GenuiXpert’s website again, this website will place and access GenuiXpert’s Cookies on your computer. If you do not want to accept the writing of cookies, you can check the function of the browser you are using and set the privacy level higher to refuse the writing of Cookies or receive a warning notification before the Cookies data is stored. You can choose to configure your browser to notify you before receiving Cookies, and you can choose to reject or accept the Cookies, but some functions of the website may not perform normally. When you are browsing GenuiXpert websites, GenuiXpert has no intention to infringe on your privacy.

(K) Automatically Collected Non-personal Information

When you visit GenuiXpert websites, GenuiXpert may automatically (without registration) collect non-personal information (such as the type of web browser and operating system used, IP address, the domain name of the website you come from, the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed). GenuiXpert will use this data to monitor network interactions, analyze trends, improve quality and content, and study customer demands more closely. The above behavior will comply with the relevant legal framework for the protection of privacy data.

(L) Contact

If you have any questions about this policy, want to exercise any of your rights listed in (H), or if you have any complaints, please contact us:

(M) Amendment of Privacy Protection Policy

The privacy protection policy of this website will be revised in response to relevant needs at any time, and the revised terms will be published on GenuiXpert websites. Please check the website frequently. If you continue to use GenuiXpert websites, you will be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms and conditions. If GenuiXpert makes major changes, it will notify you through an announcement on the GenuiXpert website.